Happy, Merry, & Anni
Acrylic on gallery wrap canvas
©2003 Lucinda Howe
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
As we pause to give thanks this week, I want to say that I am grateful that you are a loyal subscriber to my list. I appreciate your comments and support of my art. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.
Among the many other things that I have to be grateful for in my life, I am grateful that my husband, Rich Kelley, and I are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary today! We have been blessed in many ways and have a good life together.
Celebrating the anniversary reminded me of the painting above of the three palmetto trees in our east side garden. Years ago when we spent a substantial amount of money to plant these trees, my husband said “Don’t expect other gifts… This is Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, and Anniversary, too, for this year”. So I named them Merry, Happy, and Anni. Since then they have become a favorite part of the garden and appear often in my paintings.

Happy, Merry, & Anni
in situ
Acrylic on gallery wrap canvas
@2003 Lucinda Howe
I made this painting for a specific place in my study. I started with a black gesso drawing to establish the structure. Then I covered it with a warm red and orange transparent glaze, and added opaque paints to complete the top layer. I love it because it brings the garden into the house and fits perfectly in the space.
This is a big piece. It is 5 feet tall by 4 feet wide. It takes up a good bit of the wall in my study. But it is now on display at Best Mattress on Devine Street, and it looks smaller on a very large wall. It’s amazing how the effect of a piece of art changes with the scale of the room.

Happy, Merry, and Anni
at Best Mattress, 2930 Devine Street, Columbia, SC
Acrylic on gallery wrap canvas
©2003 Lucinda Howe
www.lucindahowe.com $5,500
If you want to see this piece while it’s on display, stop by Best Mattress at 2930 Devine Street, Columbia, SC (diagonally across the intersection of Sims and Devine from Incarnation Lutheran Church). Check out other paintings by Trenholm Artists Guild members while you are there. And they have great mattresses, too. Maybe you’d like to take a break from Black Friday chaos to try out the mattresses and enjoy the art. Happy shopping!