Facing the Blank Page

Journal Page
Graphite, ink, and collage
©2023 Lucinda Howe

If you are thinking of starting a visual journal, you may find that it’s hard to know where to start. You may feel that a blank page is intimidating. You may worry that you are going to “mess it up”.

Since this is your journal, you make the decisions about what to put in it. It’s for your use and there is no need for perfection. Once you fill up a few pages and the “new” wears off, it’s much easier to continue to the next page.

Even so, it’s not always easy to get started the first time. Sometimes a few constraints can help. Try this exercise to help you fill up a page and start collecting ideas.

 Supplies you will need:

  • Pencil
  • Kneaded eraser
  • Black waterproof artist pen
  • Glue Stick
  • Ephemera (A small collection of bits of paper like magazine clippings, stamps, tickets, labels, seed packets, menus, wrapping paper. Look for color and texture.)
  • Scissors

    Basic journaling supplies


Exercise: Make a journal page combining text and images

  1. Use a pencil to draw (lightly) a frame around the edge of the page.
  2. Divide the page into 4 sections – Your first instinct may be to do a vertical and horizontal line and create 4 equal sections. Spend some time thinking of how many ways you can divide a page into 4 sections.
  3. The obvious way of dividing a page into 4 sections.


    How many ways can you think of to divide a page into 4 sections?


    These 4 sections could be a landscape. How does your division of space create meaning on the page?


  4. Fill one section with an image (drawing, photo, magazine picture, abstract design)
  5. In other sections, write or draw or glue things that relate to the first image. Handwrite notes or list. Draw a large word as a title. Explore your feelings. Add color and texture.

Journal Page
Graphite, ink, and collage
©2023 Lucinda Howe

5. Adjust the composition. If you don’t like a section, change it or glue something over it. Redraw the frame in ink if you wish.

6. Sign and date the page

The purpose of this exercise is to fill up a page with words and images that mean something to you. Don’t worry about doing anything perfectly or comparing your journal to anyone else’s. Just have fun. Happy Journaling!

Journal Page
Graphite, ink, and collage
©2023 Lucinda Howe

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