Water Lily Series I
Oil on gallery wrap canvas
©2015 Lucinda Howe
On Display at the South Carolina State Fair, October 14-25, 2015
Professional Division, Painting on Canvas Section (all the way in the back of the Cantey Building)
The Fine Art Exhibit at the South Carolina State Fair is a huge event. The Fair opens Thursday, October 14, 2015 and the art is in the Cantey Building.
I went to the awards reception Sunday evening. I was happy to have two paintings accepted in the Professional Division, Painting on Canvas section. I extend my congratulations to the artists who won awards. Here is the list of winners http://i.saffireevent.com/files.ashx?t=fg&f=2015_Fine_Art_Program.pdf&rid=SCStateFair
The wonderful thing about this exhibit is that it features work from some of the best artists in the state and awards over $20,000 in prizes.
But this exhibit is overwhelming! The recent renovations to the Cantey Building look good and there is more room for the art. However, I was only able to take in a small percentage of the art on display before I experienced sensory overload. If you are going to the fair, I urge you to walk through the Cantey Building to see the art. I’d like to make some suggestion to enhance your enjoyment and prevent overload.
1. It’s OK if you don’t see it all! The art is there for your enjoyment. It’s better to appreciate a few pieces than to see everything and remember nothing.
2. Pick a category that interests you — photography, painting, sculpture — and spend some time in that section choosing a favorite piece. Ask yourself why you like it. Do you agree with the judge’s assessment (whether he awarded a prize)? Who is the artist?
3. Get to know the artist. When you get home, Google the artist’s name and look for a website, Facebook page or blog. Most artists have some online presence that will allow you to find out more about their work.
4. Know that your interest is important to the artist. You can show your support by buying the work, being a fan of the artist, and sharing with your friends. Remember that ultimately you are the judge!