Bright yellow cottonwood trees light up the Rio Grand valley between Santa Fe and Taos, New Mexico in the autumn. This painting reminds me of several trips to that area to paint with friends. I […]
What is it about Trees?
Trees. So much a part of the landscape. Today I’ve been working on selecting paintings for an exhibit, and I was amazed at how many paintings of trees I have. Sometimes I go out to […]
Coneflowers and Stone Wall
Buy with PayPal Coneflowers are prevalent in the gardens of Wildacres. They welcome visitors at the entrance and provide spots of bright pink and orange throughout the hillside garden. The spindly texture of the foliage […]
Blue Hosta Love
Buy with PayPal As I continue to work with inspiration from my residency at Wildacres, hostas appear often. They seem to be happy in the shady moist environment, and they have been divided and propagated […]
Laurel Fantasy
Buy with PayPal I wanted to do a residency because it’s my art fantasy life to focus on an art project, walk and sleep whenever I want, and have someone feed me three times a […]
Wildacres Walls
During the week of July 11-18, 2016, I was artist in residence at Wildacres Retreat in the North Carolina mountains. The residency consists of the use of a private cabin and meals in the dining […]
Gelli Plate Obsession
I started using a new tool this week, a Gelli Printing Plate. It’s a flexible surface for making monoprints and monotypes without a press using acrylic paints. I’ve been watching instructional videos and experimenting with […]
Blue Palmetto
Buy with PayPal Painting from imagination is a challenge for me. I get stuck on reproducing colors I see on location or trying to imitate what I see in photos. I’m always looking for ways […]
Summer has settled in here in Columbia, South Carolina…. hot, hazy, and humid. Sunflowers are a perfect symbol of the hot days, and the cool blue background brings to mind warm evenings under the stars.