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Why Fauvism?
Once I was in a choir where the director taught us how to hit the high notes. She said if you strain to slide up toward the high note, you’ll always be flat. To hit […]
Fauvism: Part 2
Georges Braque was another French artist who was influenced by Matisse and Derain. He painted in the Fauvist style for a short period before evolving toward cubism. See several examples of his work in this […]
New Studio: Part 4
In the last couple of weeks, I’ve finished painting the walls and trim, and moved most of my art supplies. I have moved things around several times trying to decide how to arrange the workspace […]
What is Fauvism?
Fauvism developed when Henri Matisse painted with Andre Derain at Collioure on the French Riviera during the summer of 1905. Matisse’s Open Window Collioure combined landscape with a rectangular window composition and exciting color. In […]
Revival of Fauvism
In the Post Impressionist period of the early 20th century, a group of artists experimented with bold, expressive color and defined brushstrokes. They were influenced by Vincent VanGogh and Paul Gaugin who had begun using more […]
New Studio: Part 3
As I mentioned previously, everything takes twice as long and costs twice as much as I expected. Last week I secured contents and liability insurance and had a security system installed. This week I have […]
New Studio: Doing Jackson Pollock on the Studio Floor
The Bean-e-doo Mastic remover was a success! It took the two-man crew most of a day, but the product softened the glue to the consistency of peanut butter. They were able to scrape it off […]
New Studio: Part 1
After several years of wishing and searching, I have signed a lease on a small commercial space for a studio. This is the first installment describing the progress of the move. Since I started drawing […]