Autumn Bouquet

Autumn Bouquet 24x24 inches Acrylic and pastel on gallery wrap canvas ©2016 Lucinda Howe $1,100

Autumn Bouquet
24×24 inches
Acrylic and pastel on gallery wrap canvas
©2016 Lucinda Howe

The weather has changed in South Carolina this week. It’s wonderful to see rain, and I hope it will improve the fire situation in the mountains. But the rain and wind has stripped most of the trees of the last of the leaves, so it looks like winter now.

This painting of an autumn bouquet is my way of holding on to the warm hues a bit longer.   I’ve been learning from the second part of the on-line painting workshop Big Bold Blooms 2 with Lynn Whipple. I enjoy the on-line class because I can work at my own pace and share the progress with others in a Facebook group. In this class, Lynn combines techniques from the first class with new tools and techniques. We’re working in layers with paint, pastels, and collage. We’re turning up the dance music and having fun moving paint with big brushes and brayers. Isn’t the point of painting to have fun? I feel that the energy that goes into this painting shows in the result. Do you agree?

If you’d like to see more of my bold blooms, click this link

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