Artist Residencies

Oconee Bath House 24x18" Acrylic on masonite @2014 Lucinda Howe

Oconee Bath House
Acrylic on masonite
@2010 Lucinda Howe


Have you ever done an artist residency or have you interacted with an artist who was doing one?   Residencies are arrangements where an artist is given lodging and studio space for a period of time, usually a week to several months, in exchange for a work of art or teaching a class.  Some are in remote locations where an artist can have quiet time to focus on a project.  Other residencies encourage the artists to interact with the public and bring attention to the location.

Several years ago I spent a week as artist in residence at Oconee State Park in a program sponsored by the South Carolina Park Service.  It was a pivotal point in the development of my art as I was just beginning to explore the use of a red ground as a contrast to the blues and greens of the landscape.  The paintings I did that week were some of the largest I had completed on location.  I was able to focus on the work without distractions and schedules.

I was reminded of that week by Mary Gilkerson who is currently the artist in residence at Congaree National Park.   Read about it on her blog

Other opportunities on my “someday” list are..

What residency have you experienced?   How did it affect the direction of your art?  Tell me your experiences and let me know if I should add them to my wish list.




This entry was posted in Acrylics, Plein Air.

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