Spring Garden #3

Spring Garden #3

Spring Garden #3
12 x 12 inches
Monotype collage on paper
©2020 Lucinda Howe

I didn’t know what to do with the cool green color palette I posted two weeks ago. It seemed a bit sad. Or maybe it was that I was a bit sad.

The current situation with the COVID 19 pandemic makes me feel unsettled. I hesitate to say much about it on this blog because I want this to be a place for talking about art. But it’s worth mentioning because it’s affecting all of us.

I know that I’m fortunate to be in a comfortable home with plenty of food and art supplies. I have nothing to complain about. But, when I listen to the news and hear of those who are suffering, I am sad and angry. I try not to listen to the news too much and to keep my mind and hands busy. Yet, I rotate from one activity to the next without accomplishing much. It seems that this would be a good time to do one of those “at home residencies” I’ve talked about in the past. But, I don’t have the focus. I’ve decided that for the moment, it’s OK to be without a big goal.

So here’s what I am doing. I turn off the news and observe the weather. We’ve been having rain and wind followed by brilliant blue skies. While it’s raining, I sew a mask or try a new recipe. Between storms, I weed a patch of the garden. I wander around the garden taking macro photos of flowers. I make some gelli prints using the color schemes from the flowers. And then I make a collage to share with you.

As I worked on this cool green piece, I thought of my gratitude for home and garden. The cool rainy days are as important in the garden as the warm sunny ones. Structure is necessary to balance organic shapes.

Finishing one piece and writing this blog post to share with you on Tuesday morning, dear reader, gives structure to my week. I feel a bit more settled. Thank you for that. Also, I believe that over time, this series will grow into a body of work that follows the un-ending cycle of life in the garden.

So tell me, what are you doing to build structure and growth into your life during this unsettled time?

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  1. Harriette Edmonds April 28, 2020 at 11:44 am #

    I also watch very little news, right now, I am probably not as up to date as I should be. I try to distance myself from people and stay home, as the government orders. I do grocery pickups when necessary. I order my groceries online, drive up at my pickup time, they put my groceries in the car and I drive home.
    I have lots of supplies, ideas and things to do at home, so I’m not bored, but I am sad that people are dying.
    I do like to think about the positives that have come out of this: families are spending more time together and talking to each other, people are getting long needed projects done in their house and gardens, we are refocusing on things that are most important.
    I have started sewing face masks and giving them to mail carriers and friends. I am pulling weeds and trimming bushes in the yard, cooking meals with what I have at home and making odd but good combination meals.
    About your artwork Cindy, it is wonderful that you are experimenting with your collages. I love to see how you fit all of your pieces together. They are beautiful. Keep it up. I would like to see more contrast, not all light colors, but more darks and lights. It probably has more contrast in real life, but on the computer it all looks pale. Other than the contrast, they meld together beautifully.

    • lucindahowe April 28, 2020 at 8:04 pm #

      Hi Harriette, I’m glad you are staying busy and creative!
      I understand what you mean about the contrast. I wanted to use lighter colors and less contrast for spring, but I’m finding that I prefer designs with a full range of values. I’ll be doing more of that as the weather gets warmer.

  2. Sharon Matchett April 28, 2020 at 2:48 pm #

    The cool green was actually my favorite, so I love what you’ve done with it. … I think you’ve expressed what so many of us are experiencing. I don’t garden, but I do have the 3 dogs to keep routinely groomed. I try to remind myself that I’m grateful for the act of paying bills, both ours and those for my mother’s care, because it means that we have these comforts in our life. I have mask makings laid out on the DR table. I keep up with the headlines and news, but I find myself clicking on fewer links when I’m online. I’m weary of wallowing in sadness and am trying to accept it as part of the grieving process – we’ve lost life as it was. There is still beauty all around us though, in the actions others are taking, in kindness that’s shown, in nature, in the creative arts, and it’s good and right to celebrate those things, and to contribute in ways that only we can. I celebrate this lovely piece that you’ve created.

    • lucindahowe April 28, 2020 at 8:09 pm #

      Thanks, Sharon! I agree we are grieving and adjusting to a different life. We are blessed to have nature and creative friends to help us through.

  3. Donna April 28, 2020 at 3:09 pm #

    Love the cool greens. I have been working on my Gelli monoprints both doing my usual detail work but also trying some print collages. Knitting, pulling weeds, reading lots and outside as much as possible, and cooking more than ever. Inspiration and Creativity surrounds.

    • lucindahowe April 28, 2020 at 8:11 pm #

      Thanks, Donna. It’s great that we can exchange ideas and encourage each other with our artistic explorations!

  4. Melinda April 30, 2020 at 2:05 am #

    I am enjoying your spring series.
    My newest creative outlet is bread making!
    I am also painting, sewing, but mostly
    playing in my garden.

    • lucindahowe April 30, 2020 at 12:27 pm #

      Thanks, Melinda! It sounds like you have lots of creative activities!

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